Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post Election Thoughts

I wanted to give a few of my post election thoughts. I think the thing that has saddened me the most about this year's election is the way that I have seen some people respond to the results. Tuesday night I was really disappointed as I saw some of the things my friends were putting up as their statuses on facebook. Here are just a few that I saw:

1. NAME is were all going to die because Obama will force us to marry into homosexuality

2. NAME isn't is weird how Obama and biden sounds ALOT lilke osama bin laddin?

3. Name is YES WE CAN!... let the antichrist lead us all to hell... (think im joking? read revalation).

There are definitely more, but I think these three prove my point. The negative statements continued to abound when I went to work the next day. As I saw the response of people who I know would call themselves Christians it left me wondering in what these individuals were placing their hope in.

As Christians, I believe, that we place our hope not in elected officials, but instead in Jesus Christ. John McCain or Barack Obama or George Bush or Hillary Clinton are not going to solve all of our problems. The way Jesus talked about the world changing is when individual Christians get off their butts and live out kingdom principles. It's not by electing people that agree with us. If we want change, we must be change.

A final caution I would give to anyone that wants to make statements of this nature is that they need to consider the words of Jesus. A pharisee came to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what is the greatest commandment?" Jesus responded by saying "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." He went on to say that the second was like it "Love your neighbor as yourself."

When comments of this nature are made an individual is not loving their neighbor as their selves. We Christians would do well to take this advice. John said that the world would know we are Christians by our love, not our evil, hateful, bigoted comments.

This post is probably a day or two late though because it seems as though a lot of the election hype has slown down and most people no longer care. This probably says even more about our commitment to things, but I will save that for another time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thinking About Church...

I've got church on my mind for several reasons today. We started a unit on church today in one of the classes that I teach. We all sat in a circle and I had the students share their thoughts. I asked them what do you like or not like about church. I also asked if they thought their churches reflected what Jesus's vision of church would be. I then asked them what do they wish church was like. Finally, we talked about if when they went to church it seemed like God was even there.
Here are a few things that they said that stood out:
-Several students felt that they feel like sermons are directed to people much older than them
-Several student felt as though they are judged by the older people in their congregation
-A couple of students mentioned that they think church should be more than just a Sunday morning thing. They felt that God would want them to be more of a community. One student even said a church should be like a big extended family.
-At least 10 student feel as though they go to church every week and leave without it ever seeming like God is even there.

We will continue to talk through these issues in class, but it was interesting to get their initial observations. I am hopeful that they will get a vision for being the people of God that is much more than an hour one morning a week.

Another reason that I am thinking about church is that tonight my church had our annual State of the Church Dinner. Sounds official, huh? It was interesting to here the staff's vision for where they think the church should go. There was a lot of emphasis on impacting the community which is great. I love how many opportunities our church gives for people to serve. Of course there was talk about money for new youth facilities. I find it hard to strike a balance between doing things to "attract" and "excite" people and also staying true to the mission of God. I hate when it seems as though it takes cool facilities and programs to get people through the doors.

All the talk of church also makes me wonder if I could/will ever work in a church. Part of me thinks I would enjoy it, but at the same time I think it would maybe drive me crazy. The church is a beautiful mess! I hope that we can continue to understand what it means to faithfully be the church in this time and place in history.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Owning a home obviously comes with a lot of responsibility. Some of the responsibilities are a bit easier to handle than others. I have very little (ok not really any) handyman skills. I guess a lot of people learn how to do these types of things from their dads, but not me. My dad taught me how to make pizza but we skipped the lessons on changing tires, power tools, and other things of this nature.

Even though I don't have the handyman skills, I feel like I need to learn how to be able to do things around the house. I don't want to have to pay a butt load of money every time I need something little done. Over the past few days I have been trying to handle some plumbing issues at the house. I had a leaky shower faucet and what should have entailed replacing one washer ended up involving two busted valves and 7 trips to Home Depot and Robertson Plumbing in a 12 hour period.

I was finally able to take care of the issue today. There were certainly times over the past few days when I wished I would have hired someone else to come out and do it, but in the end I am glad I didn't. I got a deep sense of satisfaction from knowing that I had conquered the dripping shower head. I fixed it all by myself!

I think that often I am pretty hesitant to try new things. I generally do not like taking risks and avoid situations that I am not comfortable in. I saw this quote the other day by oil tycoon Boone Pickens he said, "Don't fall victim to what I call the ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome. You must be willing to fire.” I think I generally stay in aim-aim-aim mood. It felt good that in this situation I just fired. I didn't do everything right, but I was able to learn as I went a long.

I'm ready to fire more often.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm back?

I say I am back with a question mark because I never know how long my blogging will last. Lately I have had the desire to do more writing, so that is why I have been lured back to the blog world.

A lot has happened in the past 10 months or so since my last post. This fall I started a Masters in Higher Education Administration at OSU Tulsa. For a long time I had been considering going to seminary, but as of late had not been very excited about it. I felt it was too big a commitment of time and money to do when I was not completely sure that pastoral ministry is what I am being called to do. I am excited to pursue this degree. After serving in various leadership positions at JBU, I always thought it would be great to work full-time on a college campus. The other good thing about the Higher Ed. degree is that I could use it to get a job at a seminary and take classes then. I am excited to see what happens. The other big thing is that Megan and I purchased a house. It's a great house that we both like a lot.

Hopefully I will have some posts of substance over the next few days. Welcome back blog world.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mr. Escalade Man

Today I was driving and got stopped at a red light where I was the first person in line. The road was the type of road that is two lanes when you stop at the light, but on the other side of the light merges into one lane. A Cadillac Escalade pulled up next to me at the light and at first I did not think much of it, but my thoughts of Mr. Escalade man quickly changed. When I looked over at him Mr. Escalade man mouthed the following words, "I am going to beat you."

I have had people pull up next to me rev their engine and then peel out on multiple occasions, but this was the first time I have ever seen a grown man do anything like this. Mr. Escalade man, I hope that wherever you are tonight that you feel really good about yourself because you did in fact beat me.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Blog Self-Conciousness

I must admit that I am a bit self-conscious about this whole blogging thing. I think I feel this way for several different reasons...

1. It is a bit odd that people can come read this and never let me know that they did. This leads to number two...
2. Often I have no way of knowing what people think about what I have to say. Do they like it? Hate it? Not get it? Think I'm a crazy idiot? Sometimes blogging feels like your having a conversation with your self that other people are allowed to hear, but are not required to give feedback.
3. The third thing that makes me uncomfortable is the seemingly finality of a post. Once I click the "publish post" button, my thoughts are available for anyone who wants to read them. This is especially nerve wracking when writing about things of a theological nature. What if something I say is way off and completely heretical? Or what if I am challenged on a point that I make, but do not have adequate knowledge to respond.

I definitely feel that at times blogging takes me out of my comfort zone. I am trying to come up with a nice and neat conclusion for this post, but I cannot seem to come up with one. So long for now anonymous readers.

Friday, January 4, 2008

3 Words

As Megan and I were driving back from STL on New Years Day I posed the question, "If you could choose 3 words that you would hope describe 2008 for you what would they be?" Here is what I came up with and why...

1. Blossom- By this I mean that I hope to figure out more this year about what I want to do long term. I know that I want to go to seminary, but what I will do with the degree is still unknown. I would also like to see this blog blossom over the year as well.

2. Charity- I use this word in two ways. The first is the idea of charity being Christian love. I would hope that I can say that I loved others well at the end of the year. By charity I also mean that I would like to become more generous both financially and with my time.

3. Deep- I want to develop deeper relationships with God, Megan, and others. I want my life to be deep rather than shallow.

Let's hope this is a blossoming, charity, deep filled year for me!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday Update

I suppose I could blame my posting hiatus on the busyness of the holiday season (which is partially true), but I definitely have had the opportunity to blog. I think I will give an update on my Christmas break and then get into posts with more substance in future posts.

1. The first big part of the break was the time Megan and I spent puppy sitting. Megan and her siblings decided to get her mom a dog for Christmas and we took care of her (the puppy) for a few days. Highlight: When the dog crapped all over the floor while Megan and I opened each other's presents Christmas morning...not quite how I envisioned Christmas morning, but exciting nonetheless.

2. Gifts. I have a couple of thoughts on gifts I received this year. First, I have been wondering how much money is spent a year on Christmas presents that the recipient will not like or ever use. While I appreciate the thought that someone had to get us a Hershey Kiss shaped fondue pot, the money probably could have been spent more productively. On the other hand, I did receive several very sweet presents. My three favorite were season 3 of the Office, a new golf bag, and a video camera.

3. Megan and I took a trip to Chicago for a couple of days. It was really nice to get to take a short trip with her and experience something new. If you have never been, Chicago is crazy and big. Everywhere you look is very tall buildings. I have seen pictures, but being there in person leaves a whole new impression. Chicago is also known for being a city that is great for shopping. As we shopped, I thought about all the money people were spending and I drew two conclusions. One, everyone there must have a lot of extra money to spend. Or two, all these people have a lot of credit card debt. I think I saw about a million girls sporting Uggh boots, Coach purses, and NorthFace jackets. Those don't come cheap!

Anyways, break has been nice. I am trying to get back into work mode again. Once again I take on the challenge of teaching the future leaders of our world!