Monday, July 23, 2007


I now have quite a bit of respect for people who are able to blog on a consistent basis. It is amazing how quickly time has gone by since my last post. I have not been particularly busy, so there really is no good excuse. I have been up to a few things though....

-I go back to work 3 weeks from today. The summer has gone by incredibly fast. I have been trying to do some work to get prepared for the upcoming year.

-Since my last post I have also caught the golf bug. I played twice in three days last week and absolutely loved it. The only unfortunate thing about it is that golf is an expensive hobby to carry out.

-I am almost done with the Jim Wallis books. It has been really good to think through issues related to faith and politics. I am somewhat embarassed by the lack of knowledge I have about anything political. I decided after last November's election I would never be uninformed going into an election again. I think that I have a responsibility to be politically informed.

I think that is all I have to say for now. I hope to write again soon.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mark 2 Post 1

Well I have began my attempt to read through the entire NT by starting in the book of Mark. I know it's not the first book, but it is what I chose!

I wanted to spend some time writing about one passage in particular. There are two things that really struck me about the passage. I think I will discuss one today and the other sometime in the next couple of days.

The passage is Luke 2:13-17. These verses tell the story of when Jesus asks Levi to follow him. Shortly after this, Jesus decides to eat dinner with Levi, his disciples, some tax collectors, and "sinners." The Pharisees get all fired up about who Jesus was eating his dinner with. The Pharisees ask why he is doing that. Jesus responds by saying: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Honestly, I think that many Christians today share the same thoughts as the Pharisees on this. It is really easy to squirm or question someone who chooses to spend a lot of time with "sinners." We use verses that talk about not being yoked with unbelievers as reasoning to avoid these situations or challenge those that do spend their time with "sinners."

When we debate about whether or not to spend time with "sinners" or non-Christians, we subtly can begin to become puffed up in our own self-righteousness.

Jesus says it is the sick that need the doctor. He came to call the sinners, not the righteous. What does this say about the type of attitude that we should have about ourselves and others? We to our sinners.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A few thoughts from the past weekend...

1. Another sign of how I am getting old: Megan and I went mattress shopping on Saturday. The mattress we had was 14 years old, so we figured it was about time for an upgrade. We found a good one and purchased it. I picked it up today, so it will get a test drive tonight!

2. We had a great weekend with some of our friends here in the apartment. It is exciting to have people to live life with. I am more convinced everyday that God created us to live in community. We need others desperately.

3. I have decided that I want to read the entire New Testament before school starts back up. I feel like that sometimes I spend a lot of time reading books, but not enough time reading the book. I hope the Lord will bring fresh insight as I read His Word.

Thanks for listening...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Widows in India

I saw this story on the front page of today:


It is sad to think that something like this happens. I was especially shocked by the lack of care that family shows to one another. One of the good things about American culture is that generally speaking most Americans do a good job of taking care of members of their family. Of course there will be exceptions, but not many adult children would leave their elderly mother to fend for themselves.

The area in which I think we often fail is taking care of those that are not family members. It is really easy to stroll through life without feeling any responsibility to those are who in need. This cannot be!

In light of this story, I find the words of James to be especially challenging when he wrote: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"Outreach" Ministry

Our Sunday School class at Church is struggling through what it looks like for us to be involved in ministry/outreach/service etc. The struggle is not apathy towards service among the members of the class, rather it is not knowing where or how to serve. We want to be involved somewhere on a continual basis, but are finding it difficult to find a good fit.

Let me give an example. Last night myself and a couple other guys went to play basketball at the Salvatian Army facility here in Tulsa. We had been in contact with the man who runs the center and he had suggested this might be a good way for us to get involved. Upon arrival, I quickly realized that I was definitely in over my head as far as Basketball talent goes. I had no business being on the court with those guys! As we drove back across town we discussed whether or not this would be a good opportunity for our class. We came to the decision that it might not be the best fit for our class comprised of mainly white middle class people.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I am using terms like "outreach" or "service projects." It seems that by doing this we are creating two different worlds. One world which think it's superior and has something to offer to the other world that is in great need of the first world's help. The reality of two worlds was especially apparent last night. The three of us were the only white people in the gym last night. If our whole class showed up it may do more harm than good. This two world type of thinking is not healthy. I do not think many of those guys would apreciate a group of white people who showed up to play ball as a service project.

I think problems arise when we as Christians view service as something we do. Often it is treated as though it is something to be checked off a Christian check list. Ultimately, service cannot just be something that we do it must be a reflection of who we are. Being a servant needs to be a part of our character. All of this gives me lots of questions about how the local church can carry out ministry. Many more questions that can be dealt with today!

I hope that our class can catch this vision. I hope we can follow the example of Jesus who was committed to serving others in everything that he did. Jesus did not do service, he was a servant.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Proverbs 29:18

Proverbs 29:18 says, "Without a vision, the people will perish."

I have labored through many a meeting in which its purpose is centered on establishing a vision for the group. As an RA, we discussed our vision for the Residence Hall. When I was involved in Student Ministries in college, we discussed our vision for getting people involved in ministry. As a leader in my Sunday School Class, we have spent time discussing our vision for the class.

I have never enjoyed attending meetings of this nature. I have often thought that it was foolish to try and plan for the future when you do not know what lies ahead. Generally, I am the type of person who likes to figure things out as I go along. Where I end up is where I end up!

I think my view of this is beginning to change. I feel like I am struggling through a season of life in which I lack vision for where I am going. This lack of vision is taking place on many levels:

-For several years I have been planning on attending Seminary. I still have the desire to do so, but I struggle to know what I would want to do with the degree. I lack vision for where I will end up.

-Along with this, Megan and I are asking God to give us vision about what our niche in the Body of Christ will be.

-I lack vision for what to do with my time until school starts back up.

These are just a few of the ways in which I am experiencing this lacking feeling. Despite all of this, I feel like I am in a pretty good place. I am hopeful that the Lord will begin to make things clear.

May the Lord bless his people with a vision of how they are to follow Him.