Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm back?

I say I am back with a question mark because I never know how long my blogging will last. Lately I have had the desire to do more writing, so that is why I have been lured back to the blog world.

A lot has happened in the past 10 months or so since my last post. This fall I started a Masters in Higher Education Administration at OSU Tulsa. For a long time I had been considering going to seminary, but as of late had not been very excited about it. I felt it was too big a commitment of time and money to do when I was not completely sure that pastoral ministry is what I am being called to do. I am excited to pursue this degree. After serving in various leadership positions at JBU, I always thought it would be great to work full-time on a college campus. The other good thing about the Higher Ed. degree is that I could use it to get a job at a seminary and take classes then. I am excited to see what happens. The other big thing is that Megan and I purchased a house. It's a great house that we both like a lot.

Hopefully I will have some posts of substance over the next few days. Welcome back blog world.

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