Monday, January 14, 2008

Blog Self-Conciousness

I must admit that I am a bit self-conscious about this whole blogging thing. I think I feel this way for several different reasons...

1. It is a bit odd that people can come read this and never let me know that they did. This leads to number two...
2. Often I have no way of knowing what people think about what I have to say. Do they like it? Hate it? Not get it? Think I'm a crazy idiot? Sometimes blogging feels like your having a conversation with your self that other people are allowed to hear, but are not required to give feedback.
3. The third thing that makes me uncomfortable is the seemingly finality of a post. Once I click the "publish post" button, my thoughts are available for anyone who wants to read them. This is especially nerve wracking when writing about things of a theological nature. What if something I say is way off and completely heretical? Or what if I am challenged on a point that I make, but do not have adequate knowledge to respond.

I definitely feel that at times blogging takes me out of my comfort zone. I am trying to come up with a nice and neat conclusion for this post, but I cannot seem to come up with one. So long for now anonymous readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

robby i read your stuff when ever you post and like it. i have several of your things actually book marked and saved to my keep them are things in tulsa by the way?